Close part of the suburbanlifestyles family has done an interview with us check it out below
1. What is your overall meaning for the DYNT 10 commandments?
The DYNT 10 commandments is like our own personal
lifestyle bible, It's a guide to how we wanna continue to live our lives
& run this brand. The significance is that there will be 10
products surrounding the 10 commandments as they come in... very limited
so stay tuned.
2. "HWPO" (Hard Work Pays Off)
is this something that you guys truly believe? what have you been through
that made you realise that this acronym is something to live by?'
It's not only something we believe in, it's something
we live by. You can have a great idea, but if you don't put in work,
you ain't shit. Our dedication just shows, anybody who personally
knows me has known I've wanted to do this for about 10 yrs now, once
i realized that we really gotta put in work to make things happen, shit
started happening for us.
3. Why is DYNT where it is today? are there any
special things your team has done to get here?
DYNT is where it is today because we worked hard
& smart. A couple of mistakes on the way but I actually appreciate
the mistakes
early, better now than when we are on a higher
scale where it could have potentially cost us a lot of money.
As far as anything special
our team has done, just hustle & make shit
happen. This brand has no big backing check, we just grinded and
built it from the ground
what can we expect out of DYNT this 2012? any
collabs you can throw out there off the top?
Big moves from us this year, We were labeled one
of the brands to lookout for in 2012, & we plan on living up to
that. This year we
opened up to retailers to carry the brand on a
limited level. Couple of solid collabs to come this year, name
dropping is for the birds, just
stay tuned. We will be traveling a lot this
year with this expansion plan & with the shop in a relocation process,
we are focusing on
higher quality product & innovation.
What is your status on collabs are you guys currently
looking out for some or is it something that happens through connections?
We just plan on collaborating with people we genuinely
fuck with, damn a good business move. After our last few collabs
we have a
new perspective on doing them. We have to
really fuck with you or what you are about for us to even consider.
As far as how they come
about, connections do help, but we don't harp
on it. We just do work and everything else will fall into place.
What keeps you going to make DYNT strive in this
industry? Even though you go through the long hours and mind numbing
days of
work what keeps you pushing?
Honestly the passion and interest we have for
this industry, the fear of failure, & the wants to succeed.
These are the things that keep us
pushing, the long days, and even longer nights
are just stories to look back on 10 years ago when the brand is on a
different level.
Whats your favorite soda?
This question is left field & irrelevant haha
I'm no celebrity, but I'm not a fan of soda even tho I drink it from
time to time, gotta do the teas
& lemonades.
If you were stuck on a island what would be your
top 5 items?
My cell phone, My laptop, some chapstick, gotta
have some food, & damn this a hard one..... I swear i can
switch out so many different
variations depending on the situation.
Where was the inspiration behind the DYNT gallery?
We happened to stumble across the location where
the gallery was at? Peeked in, started planning, setting goals, and
whatever money we could come up with. I
actually ended up selling one of my favorite cameras to help put in
on the deposit, I'm ok with
that cause it went to some local 14 yr old skaters.
Many people wonder what the 12% under the
site title means can your clear that up?
I think you are looking at the stock abbreviation
for Dynatronics its (DYNT), no relation. ha ha
Any shout outs?
Shout out to everyone that supports & backs
our brand, there is so many I can't name them all. You know exactly
who yall are, stay
down! Also shout out to our big homies Melloe
(New Era/Labels) & Mega (Black Scale).
when is the next DYNT party?
Spring Release Party I'm guessing. Stay
up on our blog or facebook and you will know!
What are your top 3 selling designs?
Our "Duck" Series killed it last season,
the tees sold out in two days. The crewnecks sold out in 1 week
in the shop & 2 weeks online for
the Christmas Restock. Number two would
have to be our "Fuck Tradition" Snapbacks, our bold statement
has gotten a lot of attention
on the streets, good & bad but we do what
we want. Third I'm gonna say the "All Rights Deserved"
Tees & Crews, also one of our more
popular pieces from last season, but with this
new Spring season, we had a talk about what our most popular piece was
gonna be & I
honestly couldn't pick one, honestly they are
all clean to me & I'm not being bias.
What is the best Blog in the LAND??
I mean there's so many dope blogs these days that
it's really hard to say. I can be typical & say Hypebeast,
but I'm gonna take the non-
bias approach again & say the Do You Not Them
Blog ha ha. ( )
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