- How did you come up with the name for your brand "Clouds Tokyo"?
At first the name was Purple Clouds. That still our name but what we did was just make Purple Clouds for Women, and then Clouds for Men.
- Are there any existing companies that inspired you to make your own clothing brand?
Nah, other clothes were just always expensive. So I wanted to make my own stuff.
- At what point did you realize that you wanted to produce your own brand?
10th grade.
- How did you start (was it rough or easy)?
I started by saving my money and drinking free water instead of buying soda. I worked at Chuck E Cheese also. I was the mouse lol
- Who are you marketing to (what age range)?
To kids that want to wear tight shit, for old niggas that want to feel young, for everyone. All ages
- Did it turn out as you imagined?
Yea everything that’s happening was expected. Niggas still grindin tho, everything happens when its time to happen
- Would you be interested in collaboration with any new upcoming companies?
I just wanna do my own thing for right now. Maybe in the future
- When you started was it a solo effort or were you working in a partner ship?
Not at all, me & my friend Ken made it together.
- As an owner of an organized brand do you believe that you have any main competition, if so who?
Nah, I just do me. Not really concerned about any other companies. I hope the best for every company u feel me. Can't hate on them making
- How old were you when you started?
I was 16. Now I’m 20. I'm still young. As fuck lol
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